Sabtu, 27 Februari 2010

Pendapat a7x ttg The Rev

Hasil Wawancara Dengan Para Personil Avenged Sevenfold Mengenai Kematian dan Kenangan Bersama The Rev.

-> M. Shadow : The Rev adalah Teman baik saya, dia adalah seniman yang ingin selalu terus berkarya, dia juga sudah banyak membantu membuat album untuk Avenged Sevenfold, bahkan dia mau membantu saya bernyanyi di panggung sebagai Backing Vocal. Dan juga saya senang bisa kenal & berdampingan, sehari-hari selama 18 tahun terakhir hidupku, dan saya merasa senang seperti orang paling beruntung di dunia telah mengenal Jimmy dan menghabiskan 18 tahun hidupku dengan Jimmy. Rest In Peace teman saya.

-> Zacky V : The Rev is My Best Friend & Family, The Rev sudah berkarir di Avenged Sevenfold sejak awal di tahun 1999, The Rev adalah personil tertua di Avenged Sevenfold dan juga personil yang unik, dia tidak pernah memendam emosi, selalu dia ekspresikan ke semua orang yang ada di dekatnya jadi dia selalu di anggap Insane. Rest In Peace The Rev Best My Friend.

-> Synyster Gates : The Rev adalah Sahabat saya sekaligus keluarga yang tidak pernah tergantikan oleh siapapun, dan juga Saya sangat berterima kasih Sebanyak-banyaknya Kepada The Rev, Jika dulu saya tidak bertemu dengan The Rev saya tidak akan menjadi seperti sekarang, The Rev yang mengajak saya masuk Avenged Sevenfold, 3 tahun setelah saya masuk Avenged Sevenfold saya dan The Rev membentuk band bernama 'Pinkly Smooth' dengan personil 4 orang. Tidak heran jika saya sangat merasa kehilangan Sahabat sekaligus Keluarga yang tidak akan pernah kembali. Rest In Peace Sahabat Terbaik Saya.

-> Johnny Christ : The Rev is My Insane Friend, dia adalah salah satu teman yang tidak bisa di gantikan oleh siapaun (Bagi orang yang mengenalnya), The Rev adalah teman yang selalu ceria dan selalu membuat orang tertawa dengan hal-hal gilanya, jika sedang manggung The Rev lebih terlihat konsen dengan drumnya jadi ia tidak banyak berbicara/melakukan hal-hal yang gila. saya tidak akan pernah lupa akan jasa-jasanya selama berkarir di Avenged Sevenfold. Rest In Peace The Rev My Best Friend. I Miss U .

Johnny Christ
Rest In Peace Jimmy" The Rev "Sullivan
" You The Best Drummer & The Great Drummer "

Senin, 22 Februari 2010

a7x tatto's

\m/ M. SHADOWS \m/

Karena Matt menyukai cerita Alkitab dari empat penunggang kuda, ia memutuskan untuk mentatto lengan kirinya. Tatto pertama Shad adalah logo band H2O, band punk itu adalah band pertama yg Shad sukai. Tatto ini terletak di tungkai bawah. Ia pertama kali mentatto dirinya ketika ia berusia 14 tahun. Orang tuanya mengetahui ketika dia berada di kelas-8.
Yang terletak di dada Matt adalah dua bintang bahari yang biru dan hitam. Ia juga memiliki penutup untuk "Sounding the Seventh Trumpet" yang diciptakan kembali di dadanya. Dia punya versi sendiri tentang Deathbat yang terletak di perut bagian bawah. Dia mengatakan Deathbat merupakan perwakilan dari album Waking the Fallen. Matt tidak pernah mau tatto wajahnya tetapi dia memiliki rencana untuk sedikit lebih naik lehernya.


Tatto pertama Syn adalah "angka 1" yang terletak di ibu jarinya. Karena itu tatto yang pertama pikirnya nomor 1 itu cocok. Ia mendapat tatto ketika ia berusia 15 tahun. Tatto terbaru Syn adalah "Marlboro" yang dieja di buku-buku jarinya. Dia juga memiliki tato yang terletak di belakang telinga kiri yang berdiri untuk Sounding the Seventh Trumpet.
Tatto di lengan kiri Syn adalah "desain lengan", yang terdiri dari monster yang terhubung ke sebuah mesin. Pada dasarnya mesin torchering mereka. Sarana torcher tidak diketahui semua orang, kecuali Syn.
"Saya pikir itu ternyata benar-benar sangat baik. Rakasa hijau besar pada bagian atas lenganku adalah rakasa utama yang bekerja di seluruh monster dan menjalani pembedahan. Mereka dihubungkan dengan sebuah mesin torchered. Jadi itu adalah hidupku. " -Synyster Gates -


Beberapa tatto Zacky di lengan kanan dilakukan selama pembuatan album Avenged Sevenfold (termasuk gambar yang memenggal Mickey Mouse). Zacky punya versi deathbat di punggung bawah. Zacky juga memiliki deathbat hijau di dadanya. Itu selesai tepat sebelum merekam lagu "Seize the Day". Zacky juga memiliki tatto peti mati berdarah di sebelah kiri jari tengah.
"Tato dapat memotivasi dalam segala macam cara." -Zacky V._
"Saya selalu ingin mentatto badan saya. Saya ingin berkendara di dalam mobil bagus dan orang memandang rendah tapi sebenarnya saya sukses". -Zacky V.-
(hhahaha7x narsis)


Pada usia 18thn JC mentatto dirinya. Johnny memiliki tatto pohon di lengan kanan atas dengan tema Raven by egar Allen Poe.Tatto api ditambahkan ke tungkai. Johnny memiliki tato baru yang terletak di tungkai bawah. Johnny juga memiliki tatto peti mati berdarah di sebelah kiri jari tengah.

\m/ THE REV \m/

Jimmy berpikir tatto dapat membuat orang tampak lebih menarik. Jason (teman Jimmy) mentatto gambar biarawati di atas lengan kanannya.
"Butuh 5 jam untuk menyelesaikan tatto perawan Maria. Aku dibesarkan Katolik." -The Rev -
Jimmy memiliki tatto deathbat kuning yang terletak di atas lengan kirinya yang terlihat dalam DVD Live di LBC. Jimmy juga memiliki tatto peti mati berdarah terletak di jari tengah kiri.
"Hidupku adalah seperti sebuah cerita yang jika saya katakan tentang hal ini kepada anda, anda mungkin tidak akan percaya. Itu semua akan terasa seperti fiksi. Itulah aku." -The Rev -
"Ada satu tato di tubuh saya yang kadang-kadang di malam hari aku merasa seperti ada setan yang sedang menyerang aku. Rasanya setan itu mencakariku dan aku berusaha melepasnya." -The Rev -
Jimmy mempunyai tatto sepasang borgol di lehernya. Ini adalah pengingat dari penangkapan.
(The Rev memang misteriuuuus..)

SUMBER : Grub facebook "┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐SEVENFOLDISM UNITY BOYCOTT A7X HATERS┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐"

Sabtu, 20 Februari 2010

LAgu favorit tiap2 Personil a7x

1. the Rev : A Little Piece of Heaven

Dy suka liriknya yg nunjukin kl org sering ngelakuin kesalahan yg sama.
Jadi dy berharap kita2 gak ngelakuin kesalahan berulang2.

2.Matt Shadows : Critical Acclaim
Si mr. Shadows pgn nunjukkin kl menurut dy politik
di Amerika harus diperbaiki, krn blm pro

3. Synyster Gates : Almost Easy
Soalnya dy bisa mainin tu lagu sambil minum bir ,
interaksi ma penonton , gerak bebas deh pokoknya.
Karena bagian dy di lagu ini kbanyakan bs dimainin tangan satu doank

4. Zacky Vengeance : A Little Piece of Heaven
Soalnya dy hampir sama sekali gak mainin
gitar kl maen live tu lagu. Jadinya gak capek.

5. Johny Christ : Gunslinger
Ane gak jelas dy blg apa Gan. Tp searching2 all personel A7X
suka lagu ini krn critain ttg tentara Amrik di perang Irak
yg sebagian jg temen2 mereka.


Pengganti The Rev BUKAN Cobus Potgieter

Avenged Sevenfold akhirnya masuk dapur rekaman untuk merekam album terbaru. Seperti dalam posting tentang review album baru A7X mereka sudah menulis lagu dan tinggal recording saja. Nah kali ini mereka masuk dapur rekaman tanpa The Rev.

Gosip yang beredar bahwa The Rev akan diganti oleh Cobus Potgeiter ternyata keliru. Dalam pernyataan resmi di situs resmi mereka, Avenged Sevenfold masuk studio untuk rekaman dengan merekrut drummer Dream Theater yaitu Mike Portnoy. Kita kenal Mike adalah salah satu drummer terbaik dunia. Dia mengatakan adalah kehormatan bisa melakukan rekaman dengan Avenged Sevenfold dan terutama mengisi tempat The Rev. Mike Portnoy adalah drummer yang di kagumi Oleh The Rev.

Pernyataan Avenged sevenfold :

Saya ingin fans kami tahu bahwa dengan Jimmy di dalam hati kita, perjalanan kita untuk merekam secara resmi dimulai. Jimmy membantu dengan meninggalkan dunia ini sebagai hadiah yang mengagumkan dan sekarang sudah menjadi tugas kita untuk memastikan untuk menyampaikan bahwa hadiah untuk fans kami. Kami tanya drummer Jimmy favorit sepanjang masa iyalah drummer Mike Portnoy untuk mencatat atas nama dirinya. Mike mengatakan akan menjadi suatu kehormatan dan tanpa pertanyaan itu yang pasti ingin menggantikan Jimmy. Yang menghibur kepada kita bahwa seseorang seperti Mike, yang tidak diragukan lagi dihormati sebagai salah satu drumer terbaik di dunia, yang diadakan untuk penghormatan dan pemujaan untuk kemampuan The Rev. Meskipun tidak akan pernah sama tanpa saudara kita oleh pihak kita, esensi-Nya tinggal di hati kita dan melalui dia membantu menciptakan musik. Dia adalah seorang legenda sebelum keberhasilan atau semua itu omong kosong dan kami senang untuk berbaring bawah ini untuk fans kami, dan terutama untuk Jimmy.

-Avenged Sevenfold-

Pernyataan dari Mike Portnoy :

Mike Portnoy telah resmi didapuk sebagai drummer anyar Avenged Sevenfold. Dia pun telah memberikan pernyataan resmi tentang kepastiannya mengisi posisi drummer A7X. Berikut ini pernyataannya :

Walaupun saya dalam kondisi tidak normal, saya pasti sudah senang dapat membantu mereka keluar dari masalah ini dan saya yakin saya pasti bisa karena saya pikir Avenged Sevenfold adalah band besar ... tetapi saat ini keadaanya sangat menyedihkan dan tragis, saya harus mengatakan bahwa saya benar-benar merasa terhormat telah diminta untuk bermain bersama mereka ... dan aku pun tidak perlu berpikir dua kali untuk mengatakan ya.
Mereka (Personel A7X) adalah keluarga sejati dan merupakan pengalaman yang sangat emosional, saya berada di sini bersama mereka untuk pertama kalinya tanpa saudara mereka (The Rev) yang telah pergi. Tapi mereka telah membawa saya ke dalam keluarga ini dengan tangan terbuka dan ada semangat yang nyata dari diri saya untuk membantu mereka menyelesaikan proyek album mereka.
Saya melakukan partisipasi saya di album ini dengan sangat hormat untuk Jimmy dan saya tetap memainkan ketukan drum yang ia tulis untuk lagu dan catatan yang telah ia buat.
Saya ingin penggemar mereka menyadari bahwa aku tidak mencoba masuk kesini untuk mengisi posisi The Rev ... Aku hanya sekedar untuk mempersembahkan sesuatu untuknya.

Sumber : Catatan AqUe Tiiwiiee'tiwwuth' AvengedLover

Rabu, 03 Februari 2010

Biodata A7X GirLs !!

Valary Renee DiBenedetto lahir pada tanggal 7 April 1982 bersama dengan saudara kembar, Michelle. Valary yang merupakan tunangan Matt Sander (M. Shadows of A7X). Di kelas 6, mereka bertemu, dan telah bersama-sama sejak saat itu. Pada tahun 2001 mereka merilis Sounding the Seventh Trumpet. Val mengisi teriakan di beberapa vocal “The Art of Illusion Subconcious”, yang diberi nama ‘Screaming Demon Girl’. Dia sebenarnya adalah tour manager, selama 4 tahun, tetapi itu sebelum A7X menandatangani kontrak dengan Warner Bro’s Records. Val juga sekolah di sekolah acting dan modeling dan sempat membintangi video klip Avenged Sevenfold untuk “Seize the Day” sebagai cewek hamil yang meninggal dunia pertengahan video. Val sedang bekerja dalam penggarapan sebuah film yang berjudul “Erased”, dan berperan sebagai Star.

Michelle louise DiBenedetto lahir pada 7 April 1982 di Orange County, California. Michelle berpacaran dengan Brian Haner, Jr (Synyster Gates dari A7X). Michelle dan Brian telah berpacaran selama empat setengah tahun. Dia sangat suka fashion, tetapi tidak belajar di sekolah fashion. Namun, dia membantu Brian untuk membuat lebel Syn Gates Clothing.

Gena Paulhus Kathleen lahir pada tanggal 31 Oktober. Dia tinggal di Huntington Beach, California. Dia adalah pacar dari Zack Baker (Zacky V dari A7X). Dia bekerja sebagai hair stylist di Costa Mesa di Salon Baker Street West. Dlam konser yang dijalani Avenged Sevenfold sering sekali dia menjadi hair stylist terutama untuk Zacky. Menurut para personil Avenged Sevenfold dia Hair Stylist yang luar biasa.

Leana Noelle Silver, dilahirkan pada tanggal 13 Februari, 1982. Dia adalah tunangan dari Jimmy Sullivan (The Rev dari A7X). Saudara perempuanya Alexis teman baik The Rev. Dia lulus dari SMA Glendalepada tahun 2000. Di sana, dia ikut dalam eksul drama, menyanyi, buku tahunan dan dewan kelas. Saat ini, dia bekerja di Beernutz Sports Grill sebagai pelayan bar. Dia adalah sosok yang sangat menyenangkan dan lucu.

Lacey Franklin lahir di Alaska pada 15 November 1984. Dia adalah pacar Johnny Steward (Johnny Kristus dari A7X). Dia kuliah di Universitas Cal State Fullerton dan berencana mengambil kuliah di jurusan hukum. Dia dikenal sebagai wanita yang baik dan ramah.

Info By:


Jumat, 29 Januari 2010


Apakah Org nih pantas menggantikan The Rev...????Cobus Potgieter memang mempunyai talenta yg mirip The Rev....Apakah pantas..???

Cobus potgieter di kategorikan sebagai orang yang pantas menggantikan The Reverend. Dia bermain drum sejak umurnya 6 tahun. Sekarang umurnya 22 tahun. Asalnya dari Afrika Selatan. Permainannya bagus sekali tehnique, speed, and groovenya baik. Bahkan orang-orang mengatakan dia lebih baik dari Travis Barker.
Tony Royster Jr.
Derico Watson
Carter Beauford
Travis Barker
Mike Portnoy
Thomas Lang
Webnya :
Channelnya di YouTube:

Jadi liat ja kemampuan Cobus...apakah pantas wat gntiin The Rev..??


Senin, 25 Januari 2010

makna-makna beberapa lagu a7x !

MIA stands for (Missing In Action)

-M. Shadows feels strongly about people going to war, as he has friends fighting in Iraq at the moment so he wrote this song as a tribute to those friends.

-Gunslinger was also written, and was said i could be meant for troops fighting in wars, but it was meant for anyone who was away from home missing their friends, family & loved ones.

-And the song Critical Acclaim was written as an attack on those who critisize soldiers fighting in Iraq.


Singkatan MIA (Missing In Action)

-M. Shadows merasa kuat tentang orang-orang akan perang, karena ia memiliki teman-teman pertempuran di Irak pada saat ini sehingga ia menulis lagu ini sebagai penghormatan kepada teman-teman.

-Gunslinger juga ditulis, dan dikatakan saya bisa berarti bagi pasukan bertempur di perang, tapi itu berarti bagi siapa saja yang berada jauh dari rumah teman-teman mereka yang hilang, keluarga & orang-orang terkasih.

-Dan lagu Critical Acclaim ini ditulis sebagai serangan terhadap mereka yang mengkritik tentara berperang di Irak.

-Thank you-
lagu ini brbicara kpd siapapun dlm prjuangan. aku mnemukan makna dan mengumpulkan kekuatan dari itu.setelah menemukan orang yg akan menyelamatkan aku, dia mungkin akan diambil. ini adalah realitas band yg berbicara kpda siapa saja yg mendengarkan.

dan Lirik lagu ini mencerminkan mutlak dlm hidup ... Maksudku, Kita semua suatu hari akn menyesal untuk sesuatu yg kita punya telah hilang tanpa penggunaan yg benar ...
Oleh karena itu, "Raihlah hari atau Mati, menyesali waktumu hilang."

(his song speaks to anyone in a struggle. i find meaning and gather strength from it. after finding the person who will save me, she may be taken. this is a reality band that speaks to anyone who listens.
and The lyrics of this Song reflect the absolute in life...I mean,We all will one day regret for something that we have lost without taking the proper use of...
Therefore,"Seize the Day or Die regretting the time You lost.")

Lagu ini tentang seorang pria yang mati, dan pergi ke surga (di akhirat), dan ketika dia ada di sana, ia menyadari bahwa ia memiliki begitu banyak yang harus dikerjakan di bumi, ia memohon tuhan untuk membiarkan dia pergi dan pergi ke bumi untuk menyelesaikan bisnis, karena dia terlalu muda untuk mati.

Sangat ironis dengan kematian dari The Rev, meninggal pada usia 28 tahun yang sangat muda.


"The song is about a guy who dies, and goes to heaven(the afterlife) and when he's there, he realizes that he has so much to do on earth, he begs god to let him leave and go to earth to finish his business, because he was too young to die."

"Very ironic to the death of The Rev, dies at 28 which is extremely young."

-R.I.P Jimmy "the Rev" Sullivan-

SUMBER : Grub Facebook "┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐SEVENFOLDISM UNITY BOYCOTT A7X HATERS┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐"

Sabtu, 16 Januari 2010


Las Vegas akan menjadi kota terakhir yang menyaksikan the last concert of Avenged Sevenfold. Sabtu, 18 April akan menjadi hari terakhir bagi fans Avenged Sevenfold untuk menyaksikan penampilan band kesayangannya ini di The New Joint Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Las Vegas. Apakah A7x akan segera bubar (seperti Limp Bizkit atau Blink 182 atau seperti Smashing Pumpkins yang ditinggal pemain drum)?

Setelah menyelesaikan US Tour di The Nokia Theare, Los Angeles, pada tanggal 16 April dan di San Diego Sports Arena pada tanggal 17 April, kemudian konser penutup di Las Vegas, Avenged Sevenfold akan segera masuk dapur rekaman untuk album baru. :P "After touring the world for pretty much two years straight, the stars aligned and have us finishing up in Southern California and Las Vegas,"

Zacky Vengeance.

Karena ini konser terakhir, Avenged Sevenfold pasti akan memberikan penampilan yang sangat luar biasa. Rugi kalau kita melewatkannya karena ada special guests yaitu Atreyu dan Rev Theory. So, jangan lewatkan. PERCAYA GA?



Senin, 04 Januari 2010

100 fakta ttg A7X dan para cewek2nya,,,

1. Michelle dan Syn bsa jdian krna ada "affair" srius wktu kduanya lgi mabuk.

2. Michelle ska modeling, tpi g mau msuk kuliah modeling krna lbih milih bntuin Syn di clothing line Syn Gates.
3. Valary dsbut sbagai Screaming Demon Girl krna dy jga scream di lagu The Art Of Subconsious Illusion, n jga bntuin scream d album Sounding The Seventh Trumpet.
4. Valary jga main film brjudul Saw Blade n Erased.
5. Michelle dkabarkan sudah tnangan dgn Syn, n akan mnikah tahun ini.
6. Valary sbnarnya udah dlamar Shad (pnggilan M. Shadows) d backstage ktika a7x mnggung di Baltimore, Maryland tgl 10 Desember 2008. tpi baru diberkati tgl 17 Oktober 2009.
7. Wktu ultah Syn yg k 28, sluruh kluarga Michelle sampe spupu2nya dtg k rumah Syn bwt ngerayain d pesta. Michelle smpet mabuk n ktawa paling kras. Syn yg brusaha nenangin Michelle g brhasil. yg ada Michelle kepleset n jatuh d hdapan tamu undangan.
8. Johnny mngungkapkan kalo Valary udah kayak nyokap bgi a7x.
9. Leana Silver dlu krja jdi model porno bwt Teen Topanga.
10. Leana Silver skrg bkerja di Beernutz Sports Grill sbagai bartender.
11. Leana mngaku bhwa ktika Rev mlamarnya, dy ngerasa kyk, "rainbow sprinkles!"
12. Leana n Rev pnya pliharaan iguana brnama Mr. Bungle.
13. Leana pnya tato di lengan, kdua kakinya, n d tangannya.
14. Valary pnya tato d prgelangan kakinya.
15. Gena Paulhus pnya tato malaikat d pnggungnya, bsa dliat sbagian saat dy dansa sama Zacky d video Afterlife.
16. Leana n Rev pnya tato brtuliskan "16"
17. Leana pnya pierce ring d lidahnya.
18. Leana adalah satu cwe a7x yg paling narsis dbanding yg lainnya.
19. Lacey Franklin pnya lesung pipi d pipi kanannya.
20. Gena pnya lesung pipi di pipi kirinya, n pierce ring d bibir kanannya.
21. Rambut asli Lacey adalah pirang, tpi dy ngewarnainnya hitam.
22. Ktika Anniversary mreka, Rev n Leana prgi sky diving d San Diego.
23. Gena mnjadi bgian penata rambut ktika a7x lgi photo shoot.
24. Lacey lbih tinggi dari Johnny.(WKWKWKWK !!!)
25. Syn n Michelle dkabarkan pnya facebook dgn nama Pinkly Smooth Slip Gates (udah gw search, ktemu, tpi g bsa d add. dang it).
26. Syn g suka main game, trmasuk Guitar Hero skalipun. tpi a7x pnya Nitendo Wii d tour bus mreka.
27. Zacky sdg brusaha ngubah ZV Manor mnjadi mirip The Haunted Mansion.
28. Ktika recording self-titled, Syn g sngaja mutusin snar gtarnya sndiri. Shad mnta Syn bwt cpet2 gnti snar, tpi Syn mnolak dgn alasan dy g mau pake gtar yg snarnya beda. jdi Shad trpaksa nlpon Schecter n mnta dkirim satu gtar lgi. 2 hari kmudian, gtarnya nyampe n dgn sukses di acak2 sama Syn. kalo mnurut Shad, Syn ngeganti tune-ny. tpi kalo mnurut Syn, dy cma ganti tremolo dgn tremolonya Zacky.
29. Syn jrg bawa mobil k studio. dy lbih sring nebeng sama Zacky.
30. Biasanya stelah bangun pagi, Syn akan ngajak Pinkly jln2. stlah itu surfing d Huntington Beach brsama Michelle, lalu plg dgn Michelle yg nyupir mobil.
31. Rev pnya tato "LEANA" d jri manisnya.
32. Alicia Way, istri Mikey Way bassist MCR dkabarkan blajar bass dri Johnny (gtw psti, tpi d buzznet dy ngomong gtu).
33. Syn adalah prsonil paling ribet krna trlalu merhatiin pnampilan. Zacky blg, d backstage Syn sering mnta cermin yg posisinya harus pas. brlaku jga wktu d indonesia...
34. Wktu a7x mnggu d Indonesia thn 2007, Shad dpt hadiah dodol dri fansny, n dy seneng.
35. Wktu a7x mnggung d Indonesia thn 2008, Zacky adalah prsonil yg paling doyan makan, trmasuk ngabisin snack.
36. Rev pnya masalah sama bibirnya yg slalu kring, jdi dy slalu bawa lipbalm kmana2.
37. Sblum a7x cabut dri Indonesia thn 2008 lalu, Syn smpet mesen ayam goreng 2 bucket, total 18 potong. n Zacky jdi yg prtama n yg paling sring nyomot ayam gorengnya.
38. Johnny adalah prsonil paling ramah d band (mngkin krna dy nyadar fansnya g banyak. wkwk).
39. Syn n Michelle prnah ngirim surat bwt Ron, Associate Planner dri Departemen Perencanaan Kota Huntington Beach mengenai perbaikan gereja dsana. mnurut mreka, tmpat parkirnya harus lbih aman krna dsna dkt dgn jalan utama yg psti brbahaya bgi smua org trmasuk anak2.
40. Rev dkabarkan mmiliki 5 drum set d rumahnya yg ia tinggali brsama Leana.
41. Hasil otopsi Rev dkabarkan akan kluar 1 mnggu lagi.(Waiting!)
42. Syn mngikuti klub seni bela diri jiu jitsu, foto2 prtandingannya bsa dilihat d
43. Shad, Johnny, n Rev adalah 3 prsonil yg pling sring mncul di DCMA Collective, khususnya Shad n Rev.
44. Zacky pnya 2 kponakan dri kakaknya, Zina Baker. yg satu cewek, yg satu cowok.
45. Zacky prnah ngajak kponakan cwenya nnton Nascar.
46. Zacky ngefans sama baseball.
47. Syn ngoleksi pistol d rumahnya, dy jga sring brlatih d shooting range n jga ngasih kursus gtar.
48. Pierce ring zacky yg d hdungnya udah dcopot sjak akhir tahun 2008 dgn alasan dy g mau kna pilek slama musim dingin (musim dingin dmulai dri bulan desember smpe februari).
49. Johnny prnah bli mobil baru n ngendarain dalam keadaan mabuk. bgitu dy sadar, dy udah ada d pnjara n mobilnya d sita. padahal dy blum smpet bli asuransi kndaraan.
50. Shad g prnah kalah d tiap prkelahian.
51. Shad ska brkelahi pake fire extinguisher (pmadam api kyk d mall2 gtu). dy mnggunakannya dgn mnyemprotnya k arah lawan krna dy ska ngeliat lawannya batuk2 khabisan nafas ktimbang mmukulnya.

52. Rev prnah ngasi tips bwt fighting d bar. dy blg botol yg sdang diminum wajib mndarat d atas kpala lawan, n gunakan lutut untuk mnghajar dagu lawan.
53. Ktika pmbuatan self-titled, Johnny prgi bwt nnton Harry Potter.
54. Zacky trpaksa diet dgn makan telur, hal ini jga dlakukan oleh Shad.
55. Shad n Rev bsa push up lbih dri 100 kali.
56. Smpe skrg, kolam renang, danau, pantai adalah tmpat wisata utama a7x.
57. Mayoritas mobil prsonil a7x adalah jnis sedan (kcuali Shad).
58. Shad adalah prsonil yg paling sering nyetir tour bus mskipun supir aslinya ada d tour bus trsebut.
59. Ultah Johnny yg k 24 dmeriahkan dgn khadiran cewek2 d panggung yg ngasih Johnny "lap dancing" (tarian striptease dmana Johnny duduk n cwe2 itu nari2 ngelilingin dy).
60. Shad n Zacky prnah main golf brsama.
61. Pierce ring d hdung Syn udah dcopot sjak tahun 2008.
62. Dlu a7x pmakai kokain kcuali Shad. n mreka brhenti sjak thn 2006.
63. Pas mnggung, a7x sring dpt kjutan bra atau thong d atas microphone mreka. Syn bhkan prnah mengenakan 'kjutan kcil' nya itu pas manggung.
64. Deathbat Girls sring melempar pakaian dalam mreka k a7x d saat mrka manggung.
65. a7x dlu prnah pnya Collective Girl, alias cwe2 yg sring d bawa manggung bwt nari2 d lagu Bat Country ato Beast And The Harlot. smpe skrg mrka sring bawa bbrapa cwe.
66. Syn baru tau kalo cwe yg grepe2 dy d video Bat Country trnyata masih brusia 16 tahun.
67. Smnggu sblum mninggal, Rev smpet ngobrol2 sama Larry Jacobson (manajer a7x) kalo dy udah operasi lasik (operasi mata) n udah bli mobil baru.
68. Kalo lw pcinta a7x n MCR, psti sring mnemukan kjanggalan bhwa rilisan album a7x n MCR kluar barengan. 2003 : MCR ngeluarin Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge smntara A7X ngeluarin City Of Evil. 2006 : MCR ngeluarin The Black Parade smntara A7X ngeluarin Self-Titled. thn 2010 ni, MCR bakaln rilis album. gtw apakah A7X bakaln brg2 lgi ato g.
69. Wktu mnggung brg Metallica d Foro Sol, Mexico tgl 7 Juni 2009, A7X dlemparin botol n sampah oleh pnonton plus d acungin jari tngah. saat solo afterlife, Syn dlempari botol dan satu botol berwarna merah mngenai kpalanya. tpi dgn cuek ia ttp brmain. saat sdg duet gtar dgn Zacky, gtar Syn jga trkena lmparan botol brisi air shingga gtarnya basah. Zacky trtawa dan Syn trlihat agak kesal. namun Shad ttp mngatakan bhwa itu adalah konser yg sangat hebat.
70. Zacky dan Gena mmiliki anjing brnama Ichabod Crane Vengeance.
71. Syn dan Michelle mmiliki anjing jnis Maltese brnama Pinkly.
72. Shad dan Val mmiliki anjing brnama Bella. Bella jga prnah scara tdak sngaja mmakan narkoba, Shad mnemukannya hanya duduk d tangga n mnatap lautan slama 6 jam.
73. Johnny dan Lacey mmiliki anjing jnis Terrier yg blum dketahui namanya.
74. Dlu a7x ltihan d garasi rumah Shad. suatu hari stelah mreka rilis album Waking The Fallen, stiap mreka ltihan d garasi trsbut maka akan ada anak2 rmaja yg dtg n mnta tnda tangan.
75. Zacky prnah mngecek account d AOL n MSN n mnemukan bhwa ada bnyak rmaja yg mmakai nama2 a7x sbagai nama mreka.
76. Slain mnjadi vokalis, Shad jga bisa main bass n gtar.
77. Rev adalah anggota multitalenta, krna dy bsa mnguasai drum, vokal, bass, gtar, n piano.
78. Lirik lagu A Little Piece Of Heaven trinspirasi oleh puisi Edgard Allen Poe yg brjudul Anabel Lee.
79. Sebelum Johnny mnjadi bassist, ada 2 org bassist sblumnya yaitu Daemon Ash dan Justin Sane.
80. Shad prnah dkluarkan 2x dri skulla, yg prtama krna dy mnghancurkan kaca jndela mobil da yg k2 krna dy ngancurin prabotan klas 7 shingga mmbuat kpala skullanya trkena srangan jntung dan mninggal.
81. Wktu k Indonesia thn 2007 silam, Syn, Zacky, n Rev smpet prgi bwt mnum darah ular kobra skaligus makan sate daging ular kobra. Johnny g brani ikutan, smntara Shad mngaku sakit kpala.
82. Johnny trmasuk prsonil yg paling sring gnti2 gaya rambut.
83. Smua prsonil a7x tnggal brsama cwenya, kcuali Johnny.
84. Gena yg menghias pohon natal Zacky tahun 2009 silam.
85. Sblum Halloween, Zacky udah siap2 bli snack bwt trick or treat. skaligus mngadakan psta d rumahnya.
86. Hobi Shad adalah mmancing.
87. Leana jago bkin kue. trutama kue coklat.
88. Syn n Zacky mnggunakan Mr. Zox sex wax bwt moles bodi gtar. mrka blg itu biar gtarnya g licin dri tgan mreka.
89. Syn slain hobi mnembak d shooting range, dy jga hobi surfing.
90. Di saat a7x prgi tur, cwe2 mreka akan brkumpul n jln2, mlakukan 'girl things".
91. Handphone prsonil A7X kbanyakan adalah iPhone. Syn dkabarkan msih mnggunakan Sidekick putihnya sampe skrg.
92. Rokok prsonil a7x adalah Marlboro.
93. Zacky sring trlihat manggung dgn spatu Nike pink, sdangkan Syn dgn spatu Nike hitam putih.
94. Rev pnya satu tato yg g bsa dy prlihatkan d dpan umum. bginya, tato itu bkin dy ngerasa kyk ada setan yg menggerayangi tubuhnya d malam hari.
95. Syn blg, wktu dy msih high school dy prnah trlibat prebutan cwe. pdhal cwe itu udah pnya cowo. suatu hri pas valentine, Syn n tmn2nya mngikat cowo trsebut d blakang bus skulla. lalu dy nyanyi2 d dpan cwe trsebut, "Boom! I got your boyfriend! I got your male!" cwe trsebut lgsung nangis, sdangkan Syn ngakak.
96. Zacky mngaku suka sama lgu2nya Britney Spears.
97. Syn pnya motor Choper yg dy modif, tpi jarang dy pake motor itu.
98. Kembar Michelle n Valary pnya cara bwt ngebedain mreka. mreka slalu pake gaya rambut yg brbeda. Valary lbih sring brambut pirang originalnya, sdangkan Michelle dgn rambut coklat.
99. Hmpir sluruh prsonil a7x mmakai braces alias kawat gigi, kcuali Syn dan Rev. Johnny n Shad mmakai untuk fashion, sdangkan Zacky mmakai hanya d video klip Beast And The Harlot.
100. Prnah liat fotonya Zacky dgn mata kanan yg lebam? itu efek cahaya, tpi jga efek dri make-up yg dy pake. smpet bredar gosip kalo Gena mnonjok Zacky, ato Syn yg mnonjok Zacky.

Matt Shadows and Valary Dibenedetto

Synyster Gates and Michelle Dibenedetto

Zacky Vengeance and Gena Paulhus

Johnny Christ and Lacey Franklin

The Rev and Leana Silver

Minggu, 03 Januari 2010

Album terbaru a7x : ETERNAL SOLDIERS

Sedikit bocoran tentang album baru a7x. Album ini genrenya lebih ke alternatif dan soft rock, ini mungkin dikarenakan Mat Shadow yang sudah tidak bisa scream lagi. Dan juga mereka ingin mengulang kesuksesan seperti pada lagu Dear God yg melejit. Tapi masih mengusung genre metalcore. Yah sebut saja genre ini crossover.

Lagu yang telah sedikit dibocorkan yakni Unwind The Chainsaw. Pihak warner Bross sendiri masih merahasiakan tentang lagu ini. Jadi kalau kalian melihat vidoe yang ada di youtube itu salah besar. Beda banget sama suara Mat Shadow, walaupun suara gitarnya seperti synyster. So, jangan ketipu!
Mat Shadow dalam fansite nya mengatakan tidak ingin mengecewakan para fans mereka. berikut adalah kutipan dari yang dikatakan Mat Shadow.

Hello everyone -

I realize that with the last record we stayed away from personally updating you guys with loads of information about how we were doing and about how the tours were going. We stayed away from doing too many interviews, radio and T.V. spots, trying not to overexpose ourselves. Not seeing ourselves everywhere and hearing about stupid shit we’ve said has generally made us happier people, much unlike the “City of Evil” record cycle. But I feel in doing so we have stopped communicating with the people that truly care about this band, the fans. So I’m gonna try to make these updates a little more frequently.
First I wanna say we had a great time touring this record. From the first tour in clubs, to headlining “Taste of Chaos”, to going out with Iron Maiden in Europe, to finishing it up with Buckcherry, Papa Roach, Burn Halo, Shinedown, Saving Abel and Rev Theory. We’ve made some great new friends and just had a great time playing to you guys every night. Rock on the Range and opening for Metallica in Mexico City were just added bonuses. We are gonna start rehearsing here in a couple days to get ready for Sonisphere over in the U.K and Ireland. We are looking forward to that.
We have been relaxing after almost 20 months of straight touring, but we have also been throwing around a lot of ideas for the new album. I think after we get back from the U.K. we will be able to fully get into this writing process. I’d hate to say more and start speculation and rumors this early in the process so thats all I’ll say about the album. Time flies and you’ll have a new record on your ipod before you know it, so be patient.
Since we’ve been home I’ve been working on a song with Slash for his solo album. It’s a killer track and he plays some of the most technical stuff I’ve ever heard from him.
But since it’s his record and not mine, more updates will have to come from him. “Waking the Fallen” went gold today and though we don’t talk about record sales much, this feels like a huge accomplishment. That record sold 3,000 copies the first week and is now well over 500,000 copies. In a day when music is virtually free, its a huge testament to the fans we have and the dedication they have given us for 10 years. Thanks guys and girls, we look forward to 10 more!


Yah dari pada bingung kita tunggu saja!



Rabu, 30 Desember 2009

Seputar kematian The Rev

The Rev memang buka drummer biasa, kecepatan kakinya nyaris tak tertandingkan bahkan JOey Jordison(Slipknot) sekalipun. The Rev memiliki nama asli James Owen Sullivan. Lahir pada 10 Februari 1981 dan meninggal 28 Desember 2009.BEberapa dari temanku yang merupakan sesama fans Avenged Sevenfold --Sevenfoldism-- ada yang tidak mempercayai kepergiannya, ada juga yang merelakannya.Di situs Facebook, para Sevenfoldism selalu updates status mengenai kematiannya,bahkan ada yang memasukkan video yang merupaka slide foto,dan saling menandai foto bergambar The rev.Mereka terus bertanya-tanya, siapa yang akan menggantikan The Rev sebagai drummer a7x ? Apakah a7x akan bubar ? BAgaimana dengan album tebaru mereka ? Apakah mereka akan jadi datang ke Indonesia 2010 nanti ? Pertanyaan kita akan terjawab.. kalau waktunya sudah tiba..
Sering kali aku melihat video kekocakan The Rev yang sedang mengejar-ngejar bebek, mengerjai Johnny Christ,mengajak bermain silat para staff,bercanda bersama personel lainnya, menendang pintu toilet, bermain kasti,berteriak ke mobil,bernyanyi rap, dan kegilaan lainnnya, namun itu tinggal kenangan..........  dan satu karyanya yang selalu diingat penggemarnya adalah A LITTLE PIECE OF HEAVEN.. "Couse Every body's gotta die sometime" lyric dalam lagu tersebut sangat tepat untuk menggambarkan kematian..
Kalau kalian tidak mempercayai akan kematian The Rev, berikut keterangan asli dari AVENGED SEVENFOLD.
It is with great sadness and heavy hearts that we tell you of the passing today of Jimmy “The Rev” Sullivan. Jimmy was not only one of the world's best drummers, but more importantly he was our best friend and brother. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Jimmy's family and we hope that you will respect their privacy during this difficult time.

Jimmy you are forever in our hearts.

We love you.

M Shadows, Synyster Gates, Zacky Vengeance and Johnny Christ

Kematian The Rev yang tiba-tiba dan misterius, mengundang tanda tanya berbagai pihak. Untuk mengetahui sebab pastinya, pihak yang berwajib melakukan otopsi terhadap jenazah The Rev.

sayang, otopsi yang dilakukan gagal. Hasil otopsinya sama sekali tidak bisa menjelaskan sebab kematian drummer berusia 28 tahun ini.
Namun begitu, pihak yang berwajib belum menyerah sampai di sini. Mereka telah memerintahkan pihak laboratorium untuk melakukan tes toksikologi, mikroskopis, dan tes laboratorium lainnya, untuk mendapatkan hasil yang lebih jelas. Namun tes ini akan memakan waktu berminggu-minggu.
Saat ditemukan pertama kali di rumahnya, di Huntington Beach, California, tidak ada yang aneh dari jenazah The Rev. Juru bicara Kepolisian Huntington Beach juga mengatakan kalo kematian The Rev dikarenakan sebab-sebab alamiah.
Mudah-mudahan, hasil tes laboratoriumnya akan cepat selesai, dan bisa menjelaskan penyebab pasti kematiannya.
Dan berikut pesan dari Sullivan's family
We would like to thank all of Jimmy’s fans for the heartfelt comments that have been posted – it is comforting to know that his genius and antics were appreciated and that he was loved so much. Our hearts are broken – he was much too young to fall.
February 9, 1981 – December 28, 2009
Óg agus saor go deo (forever young and free)

Barbara & Joe, Kelly & Katie
& the extended Sullivan family


Akhirnya pemakaman The Rev Di laksanakan...!!!!

Setelah beberapa hari disemayamkan di rumah duka, akhirnya pada tanggal 6 Januari 2009 James Owen Sullivan atau The Rev dikebumikan setelah dilakukan otopsi untuk mengetahui penyebab kematiannya. Hasil otopsi sendiri baru bisa diketahui dan diumumkan ke publik beberapa hari lagi

Pemakaman tersebut dihadiri lebih dari 600 orang yang merupakan keluarga, teman dan tentunya penggemar The Rev.


lihat kegilaan The Rev, copy kode ini :

Jumat, 18 Desember 2009

Foto2 A7X


Kamis, 17 Desember 2009

Info ttg A7X

Band ini terbentuk ketika para anggota di SMU. Album pertama mereka berjudul Sounding the Seventh Trumpet, dan direkam ketika anggota band itu delapan belas tahun. Lanjutan mereka album ini berjudul Waking the Fallen, yang mendapat rating positif di majalah Rolling Stone.

City of Evil, dirilis pada tanggal 7 Juni 2005, piatu dari Metalcore, dan menambahkan yang lebih "hard rock" suara dengan jelas pengaruh mulai dari Pantera dan Metallica untuk Misfits dan Guns N 'Roses. Walaupun band ini telah diberi label logam, Metalcore dan hard rock dalam berbagai publikasi, band ini sendiri menyatakan bahwa mereka adalah band metal dan tidak memiliki kesamaan dengan musik Metalcore dengan cara apapun meskipun hal ini sangat diperdebatkan oleh rekan-rekan mereka. Selama perekaman dari City of Evil, M. Shadows 'vocal stylings telah berubah lebih banyak untuk fokus pada nyanyian merdu daripada hardcore menjerit, karena band ini memutuskan untuk mengejar karir musik yang berbeda, dan meninggalkan sebuah genre yang mereka katakan adalah "sekarat". Bayang-bayang juga telah menjalani operasi tenggorokan Namun, ini tidak ada hubungannya dengan keputusan band menyimpang jauh dari Metalcore.
Nama band adalah sebuah dugaan mengacu pada Kitab Kejadian dalam Alkitab dan cerita Kain dan Habel, dimana Kain dihukum untuk tinggal di pengasingan, sendirian dan sengsara. Siapa pun yang lega Kain penderitaannya dengan membunuh dia akan "membalas dendam dalam tujuh kali lipat," atau dihukum dengan cara yang tujuh kali lebih buruk daripada hukuman Kain. Judul Avenged Sevenfold's song "Chapter Four" referensi Kejadian IV, bab dari Alkitab di mana cerita Kain dan Habel terjadi. Subjek lagu itu juga tampaknya cerita ini. Beast and the Harlot, namun lagu lain yang berasal dari Alkitab, berasal dari kitab Wahyu dan mengacu pada hukuman Babel dan penghancuran bangsa-bangsa Pagan. Walaupun band judul dan anggota 'nama panggung membuat jelas referensi untuk agama, Shadows menyatakan dalam sebuah wawancara bahwa mereka "tidak benar-benar agama sama sekali."Avenged Sevenfold logo, berjudul yang "Deathbat" lagu mereka "Blinded in Chains" digunakan dalam soundtrack untuk video game Need for Speed: Most Wanted. Lagu lain, "Bat Country," digunakan dalam soundtracks untuk SSX on Tour, NHL 06 dan Madden 06, mengikuti jejak "Chapter Four" yang juga telah di soundtrack for NHL 2004, Madden 2004 dan NASCAR Thunder 2004 . Lagu "Beast and the Harlot" berada di soundtrack Burnout Revenge. Semua permainan di atas, bukan kebetulan, yang diproduksi oleh berbagai divisi dari Electronic Arts.
Selama tur baru-baru ini (Cambria Coheed dan musim semi 2006 tur dan Ozzfest 2006), Avenged Sevenfold telah melakukan lagu "Walk", awalnya oleh Pantera sebagai bagian dari penghargaan kepada almarhum "Dimebag" Darrell Abbott.

Tidak selalu diakui di hari ini "Aku ingin semuanya sekarang" dunia, tetapi kesabaran adalah suatu kebajikan. Dan Huntington Beach, California Avenged Sevenfold rocker sedang dihargai untuk mengingat bahwa aturan emas. Setelah sukses merilis dua album pada label indie (Sounding The Seventh Trumpet dan Waking The Fallen), yang kwintet diatur untuk melepaskan label major debut, City Of Evil, pada Warner Bros. City Of Evil, co-diproduksi oleh Avenged Sevenfold, reuni kelompok dengan produser Mudrock (Waking The Fall).

"Kita pada titik sekarang di mana kami telah datang ke kita sendiri," vokalis M. Shadows berkata tentang ambisius City Of Evil, sebuah 11-lagu koleksi yang memberi jari tengah pada gagasan tentang kategorisasi, bridging the sonic gitar Iron Maiden serangan dengan kecepatan ingar-bingar, Bad Religion dan kecakapan musik Dream Theater. "Di California Selatan Anda benar-benar dibesarkan di seluruh dunia punk. Pada saat yang sama, kami tumbuh dewasa mendengarkan Pantera, Megadeath, Metallica dan Slayer catatan, "kenang Shadows. "Jadi, maka Anda berpikir, 'Saya ingin bermain dalam band semacam itu, tetapi saya ingin bermain di band semacam ini." Kalau anda melewati titik itu dan tiba-tiba Anda hanya menulis musik dan itu keluar secara alami . Tapi itulah yang terjadi penyebab semua pengaruh yang berbeda yang kita miliki. Dan kita pasti tidak takut untuk memasukkan apa pun di lagu-lagu kami jika kita pikir itu panggilan untuk itu. "

Ya, Avenged Sevenfold dapat batu, saat band baru-baru ini dilakukan pada acara terjual habis di Hollywood's Music Box Teater, di mana mereka berpaling intensitas dari lagu-lagu baru dari 11 menjadi sekitar 20, tetapi ini musisi juga. Namun, ketika kelompok orkestra dibuktikan selama selingan dalam "The Wicked End," logam yang sempurna saat hidup dilengkapi dengan paduan suara anak laki-laki dan 14-piece bagian string, Avenged Sevenfold, dalam tradisi Zeppelin, Queen, dan Guns 'N' mawar ' "November Rain", berbaur intensitas mereka dengan musik hard rock berani nenek moyang mereka akan bangga.

Mereka yang mencari sebuah katarsis terutama untuk rilis hidup, karena begitu banyak anak-anak moshing otak mereka keluar di Music Box itu, hanya perlu berpaling ke energi ganas "Bat Country," lagu ditulis untuk Hunter S. Thompson tentang band itu sendiri petualangan di Vegas, dan Maiden-esque gitar dan Shadows 'berteriak seperti kucing sempurna dari garis "kota kejahatan" (di mana judul album berasal dari) dalam pembukaan "Beast & The Harlot."

Dan sementara Avenged, yang berkisar dari pengaruh Maiden, Pantera, dan Guns 'N' Roses (Shadows panggilan Use Your Illusions 1 dan 2 nya album favorit sepanjang masa) untuk Billy Joel, Queen, dan Elvis Costello, mungkin tidak menjadi keras khas band rock musik, mereka dapat bergaul dengan yang terbaik dari mereka. Epik larut malam malam menyenangkan telah mengikuti band ini di seluruh negeri, dan ini sesuatu semua anggota mengakui secara bebas. Mereka suka berpesta, dan mereka suka minum: dan banyak. Selain itu, dan sesuai dengan gaya hidup pilihan mereka, para anggota Avenged dapat menulis A7X setara dengan panduan untuk Zagut strip klub di Amerika.

"Strippers dan band memiliki ikatan ini," kata Pembalasan. "Mereka benar-benar dilakukan. Band berjalan dalam dan rasanya seperti perlakuan khusus, "tambah Shadows. Jadi, apa yang membuat klub strip yang baik? "Aku suka strip klub yang di luar kendali," katanya, mengutip Vegas, New York dan New Orleans ( "It's fucking Bourbon Street. Ini lebih baik gila," katanya) sebagai rumah untuk beberapa instansi baik yang telah mereka sering.

Mencerminkan kepribadian kompleks meskipun yang dapat memimpin band rock yang sulit untuk melemparkan Flamenco yang indah solo gitar di akhir album baru buas "Sidewinder," Avenged Sevenfold jauh dari hanya sebuah pesta band, dan ini menunjukkan di City Of Evil. Album ini penuh dengan menampilkan musisi virtuoso mereka, dari yang rumit perubahan tempo "Burn It Down" untuk tender intro akustik menjadi Spaghetti Western dicampur dengan melodi klasik yang memberikan ketenangan sebelum badai di buas "Strength Of The World .

Grup telah belajar banyak setelah menghabiskan tiga musim panas terakhir sebagai bagian dari Warped tour. Shadows mendapat nasihat berharga dari Fat Mike dari NOFX, selain cara bermain Texas Hold 'Em. "Dia seperti, 'Kau tahu apa, jika Anda melakukan hal ini cukup lama, Anda harus sialan bersenang-senang. Jika Anda tidak dapat bersenang-senang tur maka Anda tidak akan pernah terakhir, ' "kenang Shadows. "Saya pikir itu benar-benar penting."

Selain itu, kwintet, yang dimulai pada sisi Warped panggung, lulus ke tahap kedua, dan kemudian dijadikan tahun lalu pindah ke panggung utama, tempat mereka akan kembali ke tahun ini, belajar banyak dari kemajuan bertahap. "Kami telah melihat band yang kita mulai dengan yang mendapat sedikit kepala mulai atau istirahat lebih awal dan mereka sudah selesai. Kami telah belajar lebih banyak melakukannya dari bawah ke atas. Kami punya begitu banyak cerita dari band-band lain akan memiliki; begitu banyak lebih baik, buruk kali. Hal ini membuat kami semakin kuat sebagai sebuah band juga, "kata Pembalasan.

Kerja keras yang juga rekening untuk band berikut sangat setia, menurut Shadows. "Ini bermanfaat karena Anda tahu bahwa Anda memiliki inti padat ini benar-benar basis penggemar yang telah melalui banyak dan mereka percaya dalam band sekarang sebagai lebih dari sebuah band, itu seperti sebuah gaya hidup," katanya. "Kalau terjadi sesuatu kita tidak pernah jatuh, seolah-olah mereka sedang memegang kita. Kami tidak di radio, tetapi di mana-mana kita pergi, kita selalu memiliki kelompok penggemar fanatik. Kita akan belum pernah bahwa jika kita memiliki keberuntungan dan hanya melompat ke titik kita sekarang ini. Saya berharap secara bertahap terus naik. Anda pergi semakin lambat semakin aku berpikir itu membangun di bawah Anda dan kami bersyukur untuk itu. Mereka tidak bisa hanya bisa ditarik keluar dari bawah kami. Tidak ada yang bisa ambil untuk menarik; itu cinta yang penggemar bahwa band. Jadi, sangat menyenangkan berada di tempat ini sekarang. "


Kamis, 03 Desember 2009

Link blog temen2q kelas 6h

ni alamat blog temen-temenku di 6h .. . . ga smuanya sih

1. blognya Amanda
2. blognya Kania
3. blognya Sofie
4. blognya Fenta
5. blognya Putri
6. blognya Daffa
7. blognya Fira
8. blognya Dyah
9. blognya Ardyas
10. blognya Asti

Rabu, 25 November 2009









The Rev sudah meninggal pada tanggal 28 Desember 2009, berita yang sangat menggemparkan seluruh fans Avenged Sevenfold di seluruh dunia, ditemukan sudah tak bernyawa di rumahnya dan meninggal secara wajar. Jenazah The Rev sedang di otopsi untuk mengetahui penyebab kematiannya, ia meninggalkan istri bernama Leana Silver.


Jumat, 20 November 2009

Lyric A7X

Let me tell ya 'bout this girl I know

That comes alive when you take off her clothes
Theres no tell just where shes been
Ask around but no one seems to know

Late at night when your looking to sin
Call her up and she'll lay down the law
You can't trust her 'cause she'll lie to your face
But thats not why you gave her a call

Awaits deep inside
The lust and burning desire
We've all been more than eager to sin
And it feels alright, 'till we pay the price
Now you choose either naughty or nice
'Cause shes here for you
Its all yours tonight
You won't believe the stories I've been told
About the girl I know

Another thing about this girl I know
Shes more comfortable down on her knees
Went to school, got a job, and then she shot into hell
All 'cause shes born to please

Don't get her mixed up 'cause she knows what she likes
Can't tell the difference between right and wrong
She knows you're watching every one of her moves
Just more reason to string you along, yeah

Awaits deep inside
The lust and burning desire

We've all been more than eager to sin
And it feels alright, 'till we pay the price
Now you choose either naughty or nice
'Cause shes here for you
Its all yours tonight
You won't believe the stories I've been told
About the girl I know

The first times hard enough
But you made it through
The seconds time I see the changes in you
Shes got you somehow
You're needing her now

We've all been more than eager to sin
And it feels alright, 'till we pay the price
Now you choose either naughty or nice
Cause shes here for you
Its all yours tonight
You won't believe the stories I've been told
About the girl I know

Streght of the World
My story starts the day they said "she can't be found"

the news so dark, heart stopped, I stood silent without a sound
It's over, she's finished, mother lies with your father and sister too
Cold-blooded, they suffered, shot down by the outlaws after you
Sorrow swallows my screams

Strength of the world - is on my shoulders
Strength of the world - is on my side
Strength of the world - the one true beholder
Ice in my veins - for those who've died

I've seen my family fade away, you've taken my whole life
There's nothing left to say

Avenge the dead killed all who crossed me in my path
Suicidal, I never planned on coming back
I want it, I need it, revenge is dripping from my teeth
Need nothin', to feel power, and bring the killers to their knees
Nothin' ta lose vengeance ta gain (you know I'll never be the same)
So taste my breath I'm close behind you (so desperate on your final day)
Sorrow swallows my screams

Strength of the world - is on my shoulders
Strength of the world - is on my side
Strength of the world - the one true beholder
Ice in my veins - for those who've died

I've seen my family fade away, you've taken my whole life
There's nothing left to say

Sitting in silence with heaven above me I prayed every night by their graves
While I search for closure I feel it no longer
I can't turn my cheek away
I stand before you; I'll sin when I have to
But now I leave your side, to avenge my family's pride

I've seen my family fade away, you've taken my whole life
There's nothing left to say

Strength of the world - is on my shoulders
Strength of the world - is on my side
Strength of the world - the one true beholder
Ice in my veins - for those who've died

So far forever now alone, a greater punishment on me has been imposed
A killer falling from the light, I'll miss my family, I'll never be alright
That's all she wrote...

Bat Country
He who makes a beast out of himself, gets rid of the pain of being a man"

Caught here in a fiery blaze, won't lose my will to stay.
I tried to drive all through the night,
the heat stroke ridden weather, the barren empty sights.
No oasis here to see, the sand is singing deathless words to me.

Can't you help me as I'm startin' to burn (all alone).
Too many doses and I'm starting to get an attraction.
My confidence is leaving me on my own (all alone).
No one can save me and you know I don't want the attention.

As I adjust to my new sights the rarely tired lights will take me to new heights.
My hand is on the trigger I'm ready to ignite.
Tomorrow might not make it but everything's all right.
Mental fiction, follow me; show me what it's like to be set free.

Can't you help me as I'm startin' to burn (all alone).
Too many doses and I'm starting to get an attraction.
My confidence is leaving me on my own (all alone).
No one can save me and you know I don't want the attention.

So sorry you're not here I've been sane too long my vision's so unclear.
Now take a trip with me but don't be surprised when things aren't what they seem.

Caught here in a fiery blaze, won't lose my will to stay.
These eyes won't see the same, after I flip today.

Sometimes I don't know why we'd rather live than die,
we look up towards the sky for answers to our lives.
We may get some solutions but most just pass us by,
don't want your absolution cause I can't make it right.
I'll make a beast out of myself, gets rid of all the pain of being a man.

Can't you help me as I'm startin' to burn (all alone).
Too many doses and I'm starting to get an attraction.
My confidence is leaving me on my own (all alone).
No one can save me and you know I don't want the attention.

So sorry you're not here I've been sane too long my vision's so unclear.
Now take a trip with me but don't be surprised when things aren't what they seem.
I've known it from the start all these good ideas will tear your brain apart.
Scared but you can follow me I'm too weird to live but much too rare to die.

Beast and the Harlot
This shining city built of gold, a far cry from innocence,

There's more than meets the eye round here, look to the waters of the deep.
A city of evil.
There sat a seven-headed beast, ten horns raised from his head.
Symbolic woman sits on his throne, but hatred strips her and leaves her naked.
The Beast and the Harlot.

She's a dwelling place for demons.
She's a cage for every unclean spirit,
every filthy bird and makes us drink
the poisoned wine to fornicating with our kings.
Fallen now is Babylon the Great.

The city dressed in jewels and gold, fine linen, myrrh and pearls.
Her plagues will come all at once as her mourners watch her burn.
Destroyed in an hour.
Merchants and captains of the world, sailors, navigators too.
Will weep and mourn this loss with her sins piled to the sky,
The Beast and the Harlot.

She's a dwelling place for demons.
She's a cage for every unclean spirit,
every filthy bird and makes us drink
the poisoned wine to fornicating with our kings.
Fallen now is Babylon the Great.

The day has come for all us sinners.
If you're not a servant, you'll be struck to the ground.
Flee the burning, greedy city.
Lookin' back on her to see there's nothing around.

I don't believe in fairytales and no one wants to go to hell.
You've made the wrong decision and it's easy to see.
Now if you wanna serve above or be a king below with us,
You're welcome to the city where your future is set forever.

She's a dwelling place for demons.
She's a cage for every unclean spirit,
every filthy bird and makes us drink
the poisoned wine to fornicating with our kings.
Fallen now is Babylon the Great.

Trashed and Scattered
Keep on writing you're just raping yourself

(nothing can take my mind away from them)
Don't you ask about me, ask 'bout somebody else
(Once I've fallen there's many stories to tell)
I can feel it, won't embrace it, it's overwhelming how far you take it
(Stuck in a state of questioning)
And don't you tell me you know we're destined, you won't convince me, I won't listen
(Resentment building, you've put our lives on hold)

Trashed and scattered again, I'm feelin' so low
You waste your breath while fuckin' with me, my blood is so cold
My destination always unknown, I'll find my way there
But you Goddamn Motherfuckers always wasting my time

I won't be the victim, but the first to cast a stone
Sedated nights to the bar room fights as metropolis takes its toll
And don't you try to stop me, it's a place you'll never know
Don't try to judge or take shots at me, I'll never let you seize control

Play your game and walk away, your integrity don't mean shit
Crawl on me you fucking parasite, and I'm gonna take you out

Label me, that's fine, I'll be somebody else
(Nothing in front of me but holes ahead)
Lie about my life, have a story to tell
(Lights went down, was on the edge and I fell)
Oh you're so insightful, let me remind you to twist and break me, should make you worried
(Long way to go and you're right there)
Two-faced liar, don't try and know me, deceit brings fire, makes sure you can't breathe
(Pick at pieces of my body below)

I never bothered with all the rumors, too much garbage
(All the same)
I'll stand right here, come on you falsehood deceitful liar
(I know my destination - there's no shame)
Don't ever take my side, I know you're never right, I'll justify the means
(Nothing's what it seems)
I'll stand around and fight, but there's no point tonight, been chained to this machine

Trashed and scattered again, I'm feelin' so low
You waste your breath while fuckin' with me, my blood is so cold
My destination's always unknown, I'll find my way there
but Goddamn Imposter are you out of your mind?

I walk down these roads alone and now you're seen here
My feelings that I'm having towards you are perfectly clear (I control this ride)
My devils appetite is tonight and now I'm alright
But you Goddamn Motherfuckers always wasting my time
Play your game and walk away, your integrity don't mean shit
Crawl on me you fucking parasite, and I'm gonna take you out

I won't be the victim, but the first to cast a stone
Sedated nights to the bar room fights as metropolis takes its toll
And don't you try to stop me, it's a place you'll never know
Don't try to judge or take shots at me, I'll never let you seize control

Don't try and get the best of me
(No one can help but your own self)
City makes my body ache
(Lonely, don't try and prey on me)
I feel your world keep dying, (Don't try and get the best of me)
(No one can help but your own self)
No more use in tryin' (City makes my body ache)
(Lonely, don't try and prey on me)

And my body's trashed and low, but to you I'll never show myself or what's inside
And I've seen it all before but I'll settle the score, I'll never join your side

Seize The Day
Seize the day or die regretting the time you lost

It's empty and cold without you here, too many people to ache over

I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time
But I'm too young to worry
These streets we travel on will undergo our same lost past

I found you here, now please just stay for a while
I can move on with you around

I hand you my mortal life, but will it be forever?
I'd do anything for a smile, holding you 'til our time is done
We both know the day will come, but I don't want to leave you

I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time
But I'm too young to worry (a melody, a memory, or just one picture)

Seize the day or die regretting the time you lost
It's empty and cold without you here, too many people to ache over

Newborn life replacing all of us, changing this fable we live in
No longer needed here so where do we go?
Will you take a journey tonight, follow me past the walls of death?
But girl, what if there is no eternal life?

I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time
But I'm too young to worry (a melody, a memory, or just one picture)

Seize the day or die regretting the time you lost
It's empty and cold without you here, too many people to ache over

Trials in life, questions of us existing here, don't wanna die alone without you here
Please tell me what we have is real

So, what if I never hold you, yeah, or kiss your lips again?
Woooaaah, so I never want to leave you and the memories of us to see
I beg don't leave me

Seize the day or die regretting the time you lost
It's empty and cold without you here, too many people to ache over

Trials in life, questions of us existing here, don't wanna die alone without you here
Please tell me what we have is real

Silence you lost me, no chance for one more day [x2 then continues in the background]
I stand here alone
Falling away from you, no chance to get back home
I stand here alone
Falling away from you, no chance to get back home

Almost Easy
I feel insane every single time

I'm asked to compromise
Cause I'm afraid and stuck in my ways
And that's the way it stays
So how long did I expect love to outweigh ignorance?
By that look on your face I may have forced the scale to tip

I'm not insane, I'm not insane
I'm not insane, I'm not - not insane

Come back to me, it's almost easy
(Said it all)
Come back again, it's almost easy

Shame pulses through my heart
From the things I've done to you
It's hard to face, but the fact remains
That this is nothing new

I left you bound and tied with suicidal memories
Selfish beneath the skin
But deep inside I'm not insane.

I'm not insane, I'm not insane.
I'm not insane, I'm not - not insane.

Come back to me, it's almost easy
(Said it all)
Come back again, it's almost easy
(You'll learn your lesson)
Come back to me, it's almost easy
(But first you fall)
Come back again, it's almost easy

Now that I've lost you it kills me to say
(Hurts to say)
I've tried to hold on as you've slowly slipped away.
I'm losing the fight.
I've treated you so wrong, now let me make it right.
(Make it all right)

I'm not insane, I'm not insane. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha
I'm not insane, I'm not - not insane.

Come back to me, it's almost easy
(Said it all)
Come back again, it's almost easy
(You'll learn your lesson)
Come back to me, it's almost easy
(But still you fall)
Come back again, it's almost easy

Like walking into a dream, so unlike what you've seen.

So unsure but it seems, 'cause we've been waiting for you.
Fallen into this place, just giving you a small taste.
Of your afterlife here so stay, you'll be back here soon anyway.

I see a distant light, but girl this can't be right.
Such a surreal place to see so how did this come to be,
Arrived too early.

And when I think of all the places I just don't belong,
I've come to grips with life and realize this is going too far.

I don't belong here, we gotta move on dear, escape from this afterlife.
'Cause this time I'm right to move on and on, far away from here.

A place of hope and no pain, perfect skies with no rain.
Can leave this place but refrain, 'cause we've been waiting for you.
Fallen into this place, just giving you a small taste.
Of your afterlife here so stay, you'll be back here soon anyway.

This peace on earth's not right (with my back against the wall).
No pain or sign of time (I'm much too young to fall).
So out of place don't wanna stay, I feel wrong and that's my sign.
I've made up my mind.

Give me your hand but realize I just wanna say goodbye.
Please understand I have to leave and carry on my own life.

I don't belong here, I gotta move on dear escape from this afterlife.
'Cause this time I'm right to move on and on, far away from here.
Got nothing against you and surely I'll miss you.
This place full of peace and light, and I'd hoped you might,
Take me back inside, when the time is right.

Loved ones back home all crying 'cause they're already missing me.
I pray by the grace of God that there's somebody listening.
Give me a chance to be that person I wanna be.
(I am unbroken, I'm choking on this ecstasy.)
Oh Lord I'll try so hard but you gotta let go of me
(Unbreak me, unchain me, I need another chance to live.)

[Screaming and maniacal laughter]
I don't belong here, I gotta move on dear escape from this afterlife.
'Cause this time I'm right to move on and on, far away from here.
Got nothing against you and surely I'll miss you.
This place full of peace and light, and I'd hoped you might,
Take me back inside when the time is right

A Little Piece Of Heaven

 Before the story begins, is it such a sin

For me to take what's mine, until the end of time
We were more than friends, before the story ends
And I will take what's mine, create what God would never design

Our love had been so strong for far too long
I was weak with fear that something would go wrong
Before the possibilities came true, I took all possibility from you
Almost laughed myself to tears, conjuring her deepest fears

(Come here you fucking bitch)

Must have stabbed her fifty fucking times, I can't believe it
Ripped her heart out right before her eyes, eyes over easy
Eat it, eat it, eat it

She was never this good in bed, even when she was sleeping
Now she's just so perfect, I've never been quite so fucking deep in

It goes on and on and on
I can keep you looking young and preserved forever
With a fountain to spray on your youth whenever

Cause I really always knew that my little crime
Would be cold that's why I got a heater for your thighs
And I know, I know it's not your time but bye bye
And a word to the wise when the fire dies
You think it's over but it's just begun
But baby don't cry

You had my heart, at least for the most part
Cause everybody's gotta die sometime, we fell apart
Let's make a new start
Cause everybody's gotta die sometime yeah
But baby don't cry

Now possibilities I'd never considered
Are occurring the likes of which I'd never heard
Now an angry soul comes back from beyond the grave
To repossess a body with which I'd misbehaved
Smiling right from ear to ear
Almost laughed herself to tears

Must have stabbed him fifty fucking times, I can't believe it
Ripped his heart out right before his eyes, eyes over easy
Eat it, eat it, eat it

Now that it's done I realize the error of my ways
I must venture back to apologize from somewhere far beyond the grave

I gotta make up for what I've done
Cause I was all up in a piece of heaven
While you burned in hell, no peace forever

Cause I really always knew that my little crime
Would be cold that's why I got a heater for your thighs
And I know, I know it's not your time but bye bye
And a word to the wise when the fire dies
You think it's over but it's just begun
But baby don't cry
You had my heart, at least for the most part
Cause everybody's gotta die sometime, we fell apart
Let's make a new start
Cause everybody's gotta die sometime yeah yeah
But baby don't cry

I will suffer for so long (What will you do, not long enough)
To make it up to you (I pray to God that you do)
I'll do whatever you want me to do (Well then I'll break you unchained)
And if it's not enough (If it's not enough, it's not enough)

If it's not enough (Not enough)
Try again (Try again)
And again (And again)
Over and over again

We're coming back, coming back
We'll live forever, live forever
Let's have wedding, have a wedding
Let's start the killing, start the killing

(Do you take this man in death for the rest of your natural life, yes I do
Do you take this woman in death for the rest of your natural life, I do
I now pronounce you...)

Cause I really always knew that my little crime
Would be cold that's why I got a heater for your thighs
And I know, I know it's not your time but bye bye
And a word to the wise when the fire dies
You think it's over but it's just begun
But baby don't cry

You had my heart, at least for the most part
Cause everybody's gotta die sometime, we fell apart
Let's make a new start
Cause everybody's gotta die sometime yeah
But baby don't cry

Centuries pass and still the same

War in our blood, some things never change
Fighting for land and personal gain
better your life, justify our pain
The end is knocking
The end is knocking
We've all been lost for most of this life
(lost for most of this life)
Everywhere we turn more hatred surrounds us
And I know that most of us just ain`t right
(most of us just ain`t right)
Following the wrong steps, being led by pride
How many lives will we take
How many hearts destined to break
Nowhere to run, can't escape
Full of ourselves, tied to our fate
The end is knocking
The end is knocking, yeah
We've all been lost for most of this life
(lost for most of this life)
Everywhere we turn more hatred surrounds us
And I know that most of us just ain`t right
(most of us just ain`t right)
Following the wrong steps, being led by pride
With peace of mind so hard to find
We're dwelling on the drastic signs
Another way to numb our mind
And as you close your eyes tonight
and pray for a better life
you`ll see it flying helplessly away
We've all been lost for most of this life
(lost for most of this life)
Everywhere we turn more hatred surrounds us
And I know that most of us just ain`t right
(most of us just ain`t right)
Following the wrong steps, being led by pride

Unholly Confessions (Cord)
D E-E# Bb C

"I'll try," she said as he walked away.
"Try not to lose you."
E-E# Bb C
Two vibrant hearts could change.
Nothing tears the being more than
Bb C
deception, unmasked fear.
D E-E# Bb C
"I'll be here waiting" tested and secure.
Nothing hurts my world,
just affects the ones around me
When sin's deep in my blood,
you'll be the one to fall.
D E-E#-C
"I wish I could be the one,
F Bb
the one who won't care at all
D E-E#-C
But being the one on the stand,
F G Bb
I know the way to go, no one's guiding me.
D E E# C
When time soaked with blood turns its back,
F Bb
I know it's hard to fall.
D E-E#-C
Confided in me was your heart
F G Bb
I know it's hurting you, but it's killing

Nothing will last in this life,
our time is spent constructing,
now you're perfecting a world... meant to sin.
Constrict your hands around me,
squeeze till I cannot breathe,
this air tastes dead inside me,
contribute to our plague.
Break all your promises,
tear down this steadfast wall,
restraints are useless here,
tasting salvation's near.
Back to bridge,Chorus

Yeah, you've been alone

I've been gone for far too long
But with all that we've been through
After all this time I'm coming home to you

Never let it show
The pain I've grown to know
'Cause with all these things we do
It don't matter when I'm coming home to you

I reach towards the sky I've said my goodbyes
My heart's always with you now
I won't question why so many have died
My prayers have made it through yeah
'Cause with all these things we do
It don't matter when I'm coming home to you

Letters keep me warm
Helped me through the storm
But with all that we've been through
After all this time I'm coming home to you

I reach towards the sky I've said my goodbyes
My heart's always with you now
I won't question why so many have died
My prayers have made it through yeah
'Cause with all these things we do
It don't matter when I'm coming home to you

I've always been true
I've waited so long just to come hold you
I'm making it through
It's been far too long, we've proven our
love over time's so strong, in all that we do
The stars in the night, they lend me their light
to bring me closer to heaven with you

(Bring me closer)

But with all that we've been through
After all this time I'm coming home to you

I reach towards the sky I've said my goodbyes
My heart's always with you now
I won't question why so many have died
My prayers have made it through yeah
'Cause with all these things we do
It don't matter when I'm coming home to you

And with all that we've been through
After all this time I'm coming home to you

Dear God

A lonely road, crossed another cold state line

Miles away from those I love, purpose hard to find
While I recall all the words you spoke to me
Can't help but wish that I was there
Back where I'd love to be, oh yeah
“Dear God, the only thing I ask of you
Is to hold her when I'm not around, when I'm much too far away
We all need that person who can be true to you
But I left her when I found her and now I wish I'd stayed
Cause I'm lonely and I'm tired, I'm missing you again oh no
Once again”

There's nothing here for me on this barren road
There's no one here while the city sleeps
And all the shops are closed
Can't help but think of the times I've had with you
Pictures and some memories will have to help me through, oh yeah

Back to chorus

Some search, never finding a way
Before long, they waste away

I found you, something told me to stay
I gave in, to selfish ways

And how I miss someone to hold
When hope begins to fade

A lonely road, crossed another cold state line
Miles away from those I love, purpose hard to find

Back to chorus

Warmness on the Soul

Your hazel green tint eyes watching every move I make.
And that feeling of doubt, it's erased.
I'll never feel alone again with you by my side.
You're the one, and in you I confide. NO
And we have gone through good and bad times.
But your unconditional love was always on my mind.
You've been there from the start for me.
And your loves always been true as can be.
I give my heart to you.
I give my heart, cause nothing can compare in this world to you.

And we have gone through good and bad times.
But your unconditional love was always on my mind.
You've been there from the start for me.
And your loves always been true as can be.
I give my heart to you.
I give my heart, cause nothing can compare in this world to you.

I give my heart to you.
I give my heart, cause nothing can compare in this world to you.

I Won't see you tonight part 1

Cry alone, I've gone away
No more nights, no more pain
I've gone alone, took all my strength
I've made the change,
I won't see you tonight

Sorrow, sank deep inside my blood
All the ones around me
I cared for and loved

It's building up inside of me
A place so dark, so cold, I had to set me free
Don't mourn for me,
You're not the one to place the blame
As bottles call my name I won't see you tonight

Sorrow sank deep inside my blood
All the ones around me
I cared for and most of all I loved
But I can't see myself that way
Please don't forget me or cry while I'm away

Cry alone, I've gone away
No more nights, no more pain
I've gone alone, took all my strength
But I've made the change,
I won't see you tonight

So far away, I'm gone.
Please don't follow me tonight
And while I'm gone everything will be alright

No more breath inside
Essence left my heart tonight
No more breath inside
Essence left my heart tonight

I Won't See You Tonight part 2

Come back to me, this is unconceivable
Breaking apart the ones you love
Hate runs deep for what you've done to us
Left alone through suicide...suicide

I just want to die, take away my life
lay by your side, please...
Come back to me, this is unconceivable
Breaking apart the ones you love
Hate runs deep for what you've done to us
Left alone through suicide

Look at my face you pierce with a blank stare
No dream could prepare a heart for a lifeless friend.
He's gone. Nothing will take back time.
I need him back, but nothing will take back time.
I can see just fine with you in my life,
there by my side as it starts to fade
I know this can't be right, stuck in a dream
a nightmare full of sorrow

Nightmare - full of pain [x2]

I look back and see the twisted road
Best friends and despair took its toll

Take away [x4]

Sorrow, sank deep inside my blood
all the ones around me, I cared for
and most of all I loved
but I can't see myself that way
please don't forget me
or cry while I'm away

Look at my face you pierce with a blank stare
No dream could prepare a heart for a lifeless friend.
He's gone. Nothing will take back time.
I need him back, but nothing will take back time.

I can see just fine with you in my life,
there by my side as it starts to fade
I know this can't be right, stuck in a dream
a nightmare full of sorrow

Burn it down
Jealousy's an ugly word, but you don't seem to care

Converse behind my back, but now I'm here
Need no one to comply with me through everyone that I defeat
Don't need you, fuck camaraderie, this rage will never go away

Hatred fuels my blood, I'll burn ya down (you can't help me)
One king to watch the horsemen fall, I'll fight 'til the end (I won't help you)
I can't trust anyone, see it in my eyes
Now I can understand, it's sorrow that feeds your lies

You're on my back when the water gets too deep for you to breath
A crutch for you that won't always be there
Hide in the dark another day, the fear in you is here to stay
So keep the fuck away from me and learn to trust the words I say

Hatred fuels my blood, I'll burn ya down (you can't help me)
One king to watch the horsemen fall, I'll fight 'til the end (I won't help you)
I can't trust anyone, witness and see it in my eyes
Now I can understand, put faith in you for the last time
It's sorrow that feeds your lies

Run from me before I tear you down (be afraid)
You chose the wrong side (it feels so right)
I won't help you, let you rot away (despise what you say)
Run towards the light exposing your soul (we won't be there by your side)
Salvation's dying (somebody's crying)
We're all gone in the end, sweet child we'll miss you
No, so far away, far away

I can't trust anyone, witness and see it in my eyes
Now I can understand, put faith in you for the last time
It's sorrow that feeds your lies

Falling away, can't buy back time
Burned it down anyways

Blinded in chains
And we're at it again, I turn around another fucking war, man

I don't know where to begin, but I'll start with the radical leaders
Their steps we're followin'

Running, don't go back and fight, too many you'll lose

(And as clowns you follow suit behind the blood between the red and white and blue but it's too deep for you to see and everyone eventually will take the step cause it's in sight you take the left I'll take the right I fell the hate you've built for me and I say pay attention baby)

As they thank the Lord the blind can't see
Like a plague fed to the brain deadly disease

But it wasn't a sin, a sorry life in judging every action
And as they're feeding your mind with this shit you forget
How to speak how to ask all the questions

The business at hand tonight, make the people choose
(I see another side in you but there's not much more I can do from on the outside looking in your government is listenin' to push you on the story of immortal father mortal son give them your mind and all your wealth the cycle will rebirth itself)

If they had it their way, I'd burn in Hell and your future's a fuckin' disaster can't you see
Don't give them all the power when your future's in desperate trouble baby

As they thank the Lord the blind can't see
Like a plague fed to the brain deadly disease
I'd run away tonight with my mind still intact you gotta make it alright
Easier said than done with no place to hide and having no place to...
Running away from condition, I see you but you're running away from
Your scared seductive system

Most would claim I live a lie when pointing out it's easy to predict these things
Every color has its side, they live together vote and most embrace these same dark times
Please help us, please save us of course they have control we're all the same
Up on the cross, crucified their problem drove the nail and let Him rot
Family and friends, it won't matter in the end I'm sure they'll understand
Now look at the world and see how the humans bleed
As I sit up here and wonder 'bout how you sold your mind, body and soul
Looking at the fields so green I know this sounds obscene
I see you're living for tomorrow but decisions you have made will leave you empty

As they thank the Lord the blind can't see
Like a plague fed to the brain deadly disease
I'd run away tonight with my mind still intact I've gotta make it alright
Easier said than done with no place to hide and having no place to run

You've fallen asleep in denial
Look at the way we're dyin'
How it ends I'll never know
Just live your life blind like me

I slide through the wasteland that's my world

My hunger takes your life, preyed on to keep me alive, yeah
Mercy's all that you need, mercy's empty in me

Can't you feel the poison rising out of the morning and clear through the night
You can feel my strength destroy you straight to the heart from the venomous bite

That's right I shed my skin tonight but my fangs are hard to hide
And you know that you're going to die, yeah
Mercy's all that you need, mercy's empty to me

Can't you feel the poison rising out of the morning and clear through the night
You can feel my strength destroy you straight to the heart from the venomous bite
I can't regret, can't escape decisions made for me, no control
Fire that burns and never dies, wrapped around I'll bury my fangs inside

Making my way through the night you're still in my sight
You're running away cause you know you can't hide
My instincts are cold blooded hate; to you I'm the bearer of fate
Wrong place and now the wrong time, now terror is all that you'll find

Can't you feel the poison rising straight to the heart of the venomous bite
Can't you feel the poison rising out of the morning and clear through the night
You can feel my strength destroy you straight to the heart from the venomous bite
I can't regret, can't escape decisions made for me, no control
Fire that burns and never dies, wrapped around I'll bury my fangs inside

Stay inside tonight - you're out there all alone
Vanish from my sights - venomous control
You won't make it right - my appetite has grown
Lost the final fight - no love will be shown

Stay inside tonight - you're out there all alone
Vanish from my sights - venomous control
You can't make it right - my appetite has grown
Lost the final fight - no love will be shown

Critical Acclaim
Shhh… quiet you might piss somebody off

Like me motherfucker you've been at it for too long
While you feed off others' insecurities
You stand in front of me and bite the hand that feeds

Self-righteousness is wearing thin
(Lies inside your head, your best friend)
Heart bleeds but not for fellow men
(Broken glass, your fake reflection)

I've had enough
It's time for something real
I don't respect the words you're speaking
Gone too far
A clone
So how does it feel to know that someone's kid

in the heart of America has blood on their hands
fighting to defend your rights
so you can maintain a lifestyle
that insults his family's existence
Well, where I'm from we have a special
salute that we aim high in the air
towards all those pompous assholes
who spend their days pointing fingers
(Fuck You)

Shhh… quiet you might piss somebody off
Like the heartbeat of this country when antagonized too long
I'll be damned if you count me in as part of your generous hypocrisy
collecting enemies

Tabloid gossip queen worthless man
(There's no need for us to bury you)
Selfish agenda once again
(Right this way you've dug your own grave)

I've had enough
It's time for something real
I don't respect the words you're speaking
Gone too far
A clone

All the way from the east to the west we
got this high society
looking down on their very foundation
constantly reminding us that our actions
are the cause of all their problems
Pointing their fingers in every
direction and blaming their
own nation for who wins the elections
They've never contributed a fucking thing to the
country they love to criticize

Excuse the obscene, ignore the untrue
Depictions we see try and get through
Admitting mistakes can hurt
I'm not the last but I sure ain't the first
Shhh… quiet you might piss somebody off

Self-righteousness is wearing thin
(Lies inside your head your best friend)
Heart bleeds but not for fellow men
(Broken glass your fake reflection)

I've had enough
It's time for something real
I don't respect the words you're speaking
Gone too far
A clone

Darkness Surrounding
Darkness coats us.

The smell of fall.
Changing season.

The graveyard is alive, black cat across my path,
the chill of cold wind, the breath of the dead.

Imprisoned souls.
Trapped for eternity.

Black crows break the silence.
The garden of the dead's alive tonight and you can't stop it.
Just enjoy it.
Open up your mind and you will feel it too.
The sound, the touch, the thoughts, that you've been so blind to.

You can feel the thoughts of the dead.
Feeling the thoughts of the dead.
True or false, it's still there, teaching me.
True or false, still there, teaching me.

You can feel it tonight.
The wood has rotted away.
Take the time absorb it.

Their time is slipping away.
Stone all carved by hand.
Statues that resemble their faces.
They still breathe.
Come join us.
Smell the burning embers, time flickering away.
Timeless but soon gone.
Timeless but soon gone.

And I can find myself, alone with just my thoughts.
As time crumbles away.
Time crumbles away.

Smell the burning embers, time flickering away.
Timeless but soon gone.
Timeless but soon gone.

And I can find myself, alone with just my thoughts.
As time crumbles away.
Time crumbles away.

Staring at the carnage, praying that the sun would never rise.

Living another day in disguise.
These feelings can't be right, lend me your courage to stand up and fight, on tonight.

Stand up and fight.
The fighting rages on and on, to challenge me you must be strong.
I walk your land but don't belong, two million soldiers can't be wrong.

It's no fun but I've been here before
I'm far from home and I'm fighting your war.
(Not the way I pictured this, I wanted better things)
Some are scared others killing for fun, I shot a mother right in front of her son.
(Take this from my consciousness, and please erase my dreams)

Fight for honor, fight for your life.
Pray to God that our side is right.
Even though we won, I still may lose
Until I make it home to you
I see our mothers filled with tears,
grew up so fast where did those years go?
Memories wont let you cry
unless I don't return tonight.

So many soldiers on the other side, I take their lives so they can't take mine.
(Scared to make it out alive now murder's all I know.)
Nobody tells me all the reasons we're here. I have my weapons so there's nothing to fear.
(Another day, another life, but nothing real to show for)

Fight for honor, fight for your life.
Pray to God that our side is right.
Even though we won, I still may lose
Until I make it home to you
I see our mothers filled with tears,
grew up so fast where did those years go?
Memories wont let you cry
unless I don't return tonight.

Staring at the carnage, praying that the sun would never rise.
Living another day in disguise.
These feelings can't be right, lend me your courage to stand up and fight.

Watching the death toll rise wondering how I'm alive.
Stranger's blood on my hands, I've shot all I can
There are no silent nights, watching your brothers all die
To destroy all their plans with no thought of me
No thought of me, no thought of me

Walk the city lonely
Memories that haunt are passing by
A murderer walks your street tonight
Forgive me for my crimes; don't forget that I was so young
Fought so scared in the name of God and country

Unbound the wild ride
Somewhere life is good, and things go as they should

it's hard to find, but that's alright yeah
Searching for the way, push harder everyday
It's deep inside, that shining light yeah
But I'm scarred, by barriers placed in my path
I'm scathed

This ride that takes me through life
Leads me into darkness but emerges into light
No one can ever slow me down
I'll stay unbound

Sometimes when we're young, and always on the run
It gets so dark and I know that place yeah
So don't be too concerned, you've got a lot to learn
Well so do I and we've got plenty of time yeah
Don't fall off the track yet with so many races to go
Hold on

This ride that takes me through life
Leads me into darkness but emerges into light
No one can ever slow me down
I'll stay unbound

Some live so wrong, with what we do is each his own
But living in fear, endless shame for countless years
I never lived in fear I knew I'd die another day
I never viewed my life as something... slipping away

Some live so wrong, with what we do is each his own
But living in fear, endless shame for countless years
I never lived in fear I knew I'd die another day
I never viewed my life as something... slipping away

There's nothing here to take for granted
with each breath that we take
the hands of time strip youth from our bodies
And we fade
memories remain
as time goes on

There's nothing here to take for granted
with each breath that we take
the hands of time strip youth from our bodies
And we fade
memories remain
as time goes on

Dancing Dead
Dead men, they celebrate

as the final chapter fades away
Cuz they can't hide;
We can see their flesh is rotten!

The band plays a hopeful tune
The champagne is poured as they socialize
The look in their eyes
Hide in the light
Everything is paid for tonight
while at the party of the dead dancing in their graves
The drinks here are free so relax
Enjoy the sight of all the dead dancing in their graves
And while the world that they built
told 'em to change,
told 'em to listen
They just kept it the same
And now that midnight has come,
I'm in a room watching the dead dancing in their graves

Bones covered up by suits
As the visible scars, they multiply
Kiss it good-bye
Too stubborn and now you're destroyed!

Tick, tock
The time bomb has been recognized, been pressurized
Nowhere to hide
Swallowing light

Everything is paid for tonight
while at the party of the dead dancing in their graves
The drinks here are free so relax
Enjoy the sight of all the dead dancing in their graves
And while the world that they built
told 'em to change,
told 'em to listen
They just kept it the same
And now that midnight has come,
I'm in a room watching the dead dancing in their graves

We feel a coming strength
And now it's too late
to change

[Guitar solo]

Everything is paid for tonight
while at the party of the dead dancing in their graves
The drinks here are free so relax
Enjoy the sight of all the dead dancing in their graves
And while the world that they built
told 'em to change,
told 'em to listen
They just kept it the same
And now that midnight has come,
I'm in a room watching the dead dancing in their graves

We feel a coming strength
And now it's too late
To change
[Repeat til fade]

Good Charlotte feat.Avenged Sevenfold - The River
As I walk through the valley

of the shadow of LA
The footsteps that were next to me
have gone their separate ways
I've seen enough now
to know that beautiful things
don't always stay that way
I've done enough now
to know this beautiful place
isn't everything they say

I heard that evil comes disguised
Like a city of angels
I'm walking towards the light

Baptized in the river
I've seen a vision of my life
And I wanna be delivered
In the city was a sinner
I've done a lot of things wrong
But I swear I'm a believer
Like the prodigal son
I was out on my own
Now I'm trying to find my way back home
Baptized in the river
I'm delivered
I'm delivered

You're from a small town
You're gonna grow up fast
underneath these lights
Down in Hollywood
on the boulevard the dead come back to life
To the praying Mother
And the worried Father
Let your children go
If they come back
They'll come home stronger
And if they don't you'll know

They say that evil comes disguised
Like a city of angels
I'm walking towards the light

Baptized in the river
I've seen a vision of my life
And I wanna be delivered
In the city was a sinner
I've done a lot of things wrong
But I swear I'm a believer
Like the prodigal son
I was out on my own
Now I'm trying to find my way back home
Baptized in the river
I'm delivered
I'm delivered

Baptized in the river (on my own)
Baptized in the river (on my own)
I wanna be delivered
(on my own, on my own)
Baptized in the river (on my own)
I wanna be delivered
Baptized in the river (on my own)
I wanna be delivered
Baptized in the river (on my own)
I wanna be delivered
I confess I'm a sinner

I've seen a vision of my life
And I wanna be delivered